Boy looks good in this hat. I like his hat. I like my aviators. Boy looks good in my aviators. We’re good sharers. But we finally got the boy a pair of his own aviators…now I just need to wait for this hat to go on sale so I can nab one for myself
Ok, so you guys, I’m kind of like totally in love with this new shirt and this hat. Can I wear it always? And always have it look this good and never smell? The shirt has buttons up the back. The details make this outfit: shiny red nails, my favorite ring, the J.Crew-esque necklace, the buttons on the shirt, and…duh, the hat 
Style Secrets:
Coat: F21
Hat: Gap
Sunnies: Local store
Scarf: Hand-me-over
Shirt: Gap
Necklace: birthday prezzie
Belt: Coach
Cords: AG
Bag: Longchamp
Boots: Walmart